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Industrial Design | Research  | Engineering |  Production Copyright @ 2023 etukfactory




Designed for the streets of the Cambodians,  SmarTuk concept aims to provide a low-cost, modular solution for individuals selling foods and goods.

The Design

The modular design also allows vendors to adapt the SmarTuk to their specific needs simply by changing the rear half. its uses are many and range from a mobile cafe, to a grocery cart, or just as a vehicle used for the transportation of goods.


Because it runs entirely on electric power, this electric tuk tuk promises to be efficient and affordable to maintain and operate.

The Project  Vision

To grow this company at a healthy rate and expand into other country which might need this business model for their city and their people.

The Project  Mission

Through IoT and big data gather form the vehicle, we hope to be able to improve the lives of the needed, at the same time create a better environment where this project is deployed.


An option for tomorrow's commuter and vendor

The SmarTuk provides an affordable modular EV tuk tuk that wants to facilitate Cambodians with low income the act of mobile selling of foods and goods. by incorporating a tracking device that communicates with a mobile app, the smartuk can provide the location of nearby street vendors for the masses as well as aiding in the regulation of the unofficial street vendors. with improved water-resistant features, the vehicle takes into consideration floods, which are very common in Cambodia.



Its Aim to Build a Better Community 

The modular design also allows vendors to adapt the smartuk to their specific needs simply by changing the rear half. its uses are many and range from a mobile cafe, to a grocery cart, or just as a vehicle used for the transportation of goods. because it runs entirely on electric power, this electric tuk tuk promises to be efficient and affordable to maintain and operate.

The Sustainability

Sustainable design solution

Creating innovative solutions that combine quality, sustainability, and efficiency.

The design is dedicated to developing an eco-friendly EV TukTuk that reduces environmental impact and helps drive the future of green technology. Its combined electric design, green infrastructure, and energy-efficient products eventually. The initial idea passion lies in creating solutions that are eco-friendly and that enable a more sustainable future.


Our team works hard to ensure that all of our products are designed for saving energy and make a positive impact on the environment.


Featured Media

このプロジェクトの目標は、手頃な価格のモジュール式EV 三輪自動車(TukTuk)を設計・供給して、低収入のカンボジアの人々を助け、食料や商品の移動販売をより簡単にすること、屋台での販売を楽しく目を引くものにして、地元の人々の生活を向上させることだ。

Électrifier le véhicule le plus populaire, et c’est tout le pays qui s’arrête de tousser.Le Cambodge est en plein expansion urbaine. Ce qui a pour effet de raser des forêts et d’accentuer les transports individuels car les bus manquent cruellement. En 2016, le pays comptait 3,2 millions de véhicules motorisés soit 14% de plus que l’année précédente.

Tuk-tuks are a staple of South-East Asian streets. The three-wheeled vehicle are noisy, way faster than it would be safe (and mostly legal) for them to be, and a legitimate tourist attraction in itself. But what could they look like in the future?

Designed by vincent chan and andy lee, smartuk is an all-electric, modular version of this automotive curiosity aiming to make street vending a pleasurable measure for vendors and buyers in cambodia.


Designed for the streets of Cambodia, Vincent Chan’s SmarTuk concept aims to provide a low-cost, modular solution for individuals selling foods and goods.


The modular design also allows vendors to adapt the Smartuk to their specific needs simply by changing the rear half.


its uses are many and range from a mobile cafe, to a grocery cart, or just as a vehicle used for the transportation of goods. because it runs entirely on electric power, this electric tuk tuk promises to be efficient and affordable to maintain and operate.

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Unit A13 16/F ,
Wah Wan Industrial Centre,
No.2 Kin Fat Ln
Tuen Mun, NT,  Hong Kong.

HK: +852 95500305


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